Nakul, a fifteen-year- old boy from Delhi who has been raised with a silver spoon, visits a quaint little village in Madhya Pradesh. The crudeness and modesty of the village changes how he perceives different aspects of life. There he comes across Prakash, the son of a paddy farmer, who is the yin to his yang – their contrasting ideas on life fail to stunt the growth of their nascent friendship as ultimately it is their exuberance and a taste for adventure that bring them together.
In the midst of their tale is the charming and talented Aakanksha who lives in the shadow of a spotlight.
She goes through the motions of life according to the perceived ideals of society, consistently feeling a void, for she lacks a genuine friend.
One Last Time is an eclectic and delectable fusion of Nakul’s superficial urbane sensibilities, Aakanksha’s confounded solitude and Prakash’s rustic but sagely naiveties – one that will change their destinies forever.
[About Authors]
Anubhav Shrivastava graduated with a B.Tech in Electrical and Electronics from Manipal Institute of Institute of Technology in the year 2015. He is extremely passionate about cricket and movies.He has previously worked as a Consultant in Fractal Analytics and currently works in OLA.
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