Jai, a 27 year old passionate photographer, resident of Shanti Nagar and father of eight year old, pia, has a sad past, an incident left him heartbroken and shattered giving scars which were beyond repair. Aparajita base, a journalist, left behind her disappointments in Mumbai, became a new resident of Shanti Nagar feeling the mornings Jingle, noon naps, evenings Buss and night galas of a simple colony of the pink city. It’s her puzzled feelings that annoyed Jai most of the time when she never left a stone unturned in lauding Jai’s courage and strength to stand back after what he suffered. But, it needs certain level of acceptance and commitment to be with Jai. What about her dreams and career? Choices are hard to make given the subtle realities. Will they ever going to make it? Or their past overpowers the present? It is a story which gives a beautiful message of resilience, love and selflessness.